- Key materials
Roadmap to Reducing the Need for Antibiotics
Global Trends: Parasite Control in Pets
- Antimicrobial Resistance
How Better Animal Health Supports Sustainable Food Systems
Global Trends in the Animal Health Sector
Global Trends in Animal Antibiotic Use
HealthforAnimals Letter to FAIRR (May 2024)
VICH and a New Era - 2024 Public Conference Outcomes
HealthforAnimals Letter to FAIRR (Aug 2023)
Why Better Livestock Health is Necessary to Meet Global Climate Commitments
Summary - Animal health and Sustainability: A Global Data Analysis
Tiergesundheit und Nachhaltigkeit Eine Globale Datenanalyse – Zusammenfassung
Sanidad animal y Sostenibilidad Resumen de un análisis global de datos
Healthy Animals Improve Health for All: An Open Letter on World Zoonoses Day
Saúde animal e Sustentabilidade Uma Análise de Dados Globais – Resumo
Santé animale et durabilité Une analyse mondiale des données
How Improved Livestock Health Can Reduce GHG Emissions
Animal Health and AMR: Livestock Data Analysis
- Sustainability
How Prevention Reduces the Need for Antibiotics
Global Trends in the Pet Population
Saving Human Lives
Solving Poverty and Climate Change through Animal Health
Full Report - Animal Health and Sustainability: a Global Data Analysis
How the Four Pillars of Diagnostics are Improving Animal Health and Welfare
Global Trends in Animal Antibiotic Use
Diagnostics can help profession keep pace with pet populations
Global Trends in Pet Health
HealthforAnimals Letter to FAIRR (September 2022)
HealthforAnimals Letter to FAIRR (Jan 2023)
Global Trends in Veterinary Care
- Key materials
New Innovations in Animal Care
New Innovations in Animal Care
Digital Revolution in Animal Health
Securing a Healthy Future
More Publications
Quick Facts
Big Data in Animal Health Webinar
- Parasites & Diseases
Global Trends in the Animal Health Sector
Global State of Pet Care
An Open Letter on Pandemic Preparedness
HealthforAnimals Response to FAIRR Engagement
Mission Statement
- Key materials
More Publications
Quick facts
Animal health companies ahead of schedule in delivering on 25 target commitments to help address antibiotic resistance
Covid-19 Pet Owner Survey
- Celebrating the International Day of Veterinary Medicine
- World Antimicrobial Awareness Week: Seven days of One Health
- COP27: Healthy animals for a healthy planet
- World Rabies Day: One Health, Zero Deaths
- Animal health is core to pandemic prevention
- Building a comprehensive foundation for animal health and wellness
- Introducing The Latest Global Trends In Pet Care
- The Animal Health Digital Revolution Gains Pace
- The Rise of Avian Influenza
- The benefits of comprehensive parasite prevention
- International Day of Veterinary Medicine 2021
- Meeting our Commitments to Help Reduce the Need for Antibiotics
- G20 Summit: A One Health approach for People, Planet and Prosperity
- Tackling antimicrobial resistance across the animal health sector
- Recognizing World Rabies Day
- Facing the rising threat of African Swine Fever
- The Digital Revolution in Animal Health
- Making positive progress towards a sustainable future
- Contributing to a sustainable future
- Today is World Poultry Day!
- The innovations shaping the animal health industry
- Celebrating World Veterinary Day
- How COVID-19 is already teaching us ways to manage future zoonoses
- Highlighting the impact healthy livestock can have on our society…
- Welcoming a New Year in Animal Health
- It’s International Day of Veterinary Medicine
- Celebrating World Antimicrobial Awareness Week
- NEW RESEARCH | Covid-19 impacts on pet health and veterinary care
- Recognizing animal health’s contribution to global food security
- We have a decade to eradicate human rabies
- How pets have shown they really are man’s best friend
- Recognizing World Zoonoses Day amid a global pandemic
- Farmers are fighting for our food
- How are we responding to the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Did you know 6 out of 10 infectious diseases are zoonotic?
- Your bite-sized guide to vector-borne diseases
- The pets bringing health and hope this season
Quick facts
Our Mission
Too many cross-species diseases like COVID-19 are being overlooked worldwide
Quick facts
Food tribes must find common ground to solve hunger and climate change
Vets are on the COVID-19 frontlines. They need greater support to maintain supply chains
Quick facts
Innovation Report
- Economic Development
Why Canada should prepare for a global outbreak of African Swine Fever
- Key materials
Three ways Covid-19 has changed the veterinary profession
Antibiotics Commitment
- Key materials
Better livestock health reduces carbon emissions
Animals are Core to Pandemic Prevention – We Must Strengthen Their Defences
How the animal health sector became the unseen frontrunner in tackling antibiotic resistance
- Key materials
Quick facts
How to Increase Animal Vaccination
Anti-vax attitudes and cost behind low levels of animal immunization
Quick facts
Quick facts
Too many cross-species diseases like COVID-19 are being overlooked worldwide
- HealthforAnimals Letter to FAIRR (May 2024)
- VICH and a New Era - 2024 Public Conference Outcomes
- HealthforAnimals Letter to FAIRR (Aug 2023)
- Why Better Livestock Health is Necessary to Meet Global Climate Commitments
- Summary - Animal health and Sustainability: A Global Data Analysis
- Tiergesundheit und Nachhaltigkeit Eine Globale Datenanalyse – Zusammenfassung
- Sanidad animal y Sostenibilidad Resumen de un análisis global de datos
- Healthy Animals Improve Health for All: An Open Letter on World Zoonoses Day
- Saúde animal e Sustentabilidade Uma Análise de Dados Globais – Resumo
- Santé animale et durabilité Une analyse mondiale des données
- Full Report - Animal Health and Sustainability: a Global Data Analysis
- Global Trends in Animal Antibiotic Use
- HealthforAnimals Letter to FAIRR (September 2022)
- HealthforAnimals Letter to FAIRR (Jan 2023)
- Digital Revolution in Animal Health
- Big Data in Animal Health Webinar
- Global Trends in the Animal Health Sector
- Global State of Pet Care
- An Open Letter on Pandemic Preparedness
- HealthforAnimals Response to FAIRR Engagement
- Mission Statement
- Animal health companies ahead of schedule in delivering on 25 target commitments to help address antibiotic resistance
- Principles of Science-Based Regulation and International Trade
- Roadmap to Reducing the Need for Antibiotics: Progress Report 2021
- Recommendations for Enhanced One Health Outcomes
- New Innovation in Veterinary Care Presentations
- Innovation in Veterinary Care Event
- Environment Health and Communities: Animal Health Sector Sustainability Actions Report
- 2020 Global Benchmarking Survey Overview Report
- New Frontiers in Animal Care: The Innovations Shaping the Future
- 'Democratization of Prevention' - a Gamechanger Submission for UN Food Systems Summit
- Animal Health, One Health, Nutrition, Livestock, Sustainability, and Growth: Briefing for Food Systems Summit
- Veterinary Care Experiences during Covid-19 : Survey of Pet Owners
- Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: The Value of Healthier Animals
- Letter to FAIRR
- Open Letter on the Value of Agriculture
- Guidelines for applications of GS1 markings to animal health products
- Caring for Pets During COVID-19
- COVID-19: How We Are Acting
- African Swine Fever Declaration
- Feuille de route pour reduire le besoin d'antibiotiques
- Hoja de ruta para reducir la necesidad de uso de los antibioticos
- Animal Medicines and the Environment: Principles and Practices
- How to Increase Animal Vaccination: 80 Recommendations to Overcome Existing Barriers
- Roadmap to Reducing the Need for Antibiotics
- HealthforAnimals Statement on Article 118 of the new EU Veterinary Medicines Legislation
- Response to OIE 'We Need you to Handle Antimicrobials with Care' Campaign
- New Report: Illegal Veterinary Medicines Impact and Effective Control
- Animal Health Sector Commitments and Actions on Antibiotic Use
- A One Health Approach to Antibacterial Efficacy in Animal Health
- Administration of drugs to animals – necessity of group treatments
- Macrolides in the context of critically important antimicrobials
- The use of 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones in Food-Producing Animals
- Story of Animal Health
- Vaccination Myths
- HealthforAnimals News - issue nr. 6 - September 2016
- Global Vision for Regulation of Veterinary Medicines
- HealthforAnimals News - issue nr. 5 - July 2016
- Global Benchmarking Survey 2015 Report
- Essentials of veterinary pharmacovigilance
- What the veterinary world does to fight antimicrobial resistance
- HealthforAnimals News - issue nr. 4 - March 2016
- Report: Innovation in animal health
- HealthforAnimals News - issue nr. 3 – December 2015
- Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance in veterinary science
- HealthforAnimals News - issue nr. 2 - October 2015
- HealthforAnimals News - Issue nr. 1 - July 2015
- IFAH News - Issue nr. 9 - April 2015
- Overview of activities in 2014
- IFAH News - Issue nr. 8 - November 2014
- IFAH News – Issue nr. 7 – June 2014
- IFAH Annual Report 2013
- IFAH News – Issue nr. 6 – March 2014
- IFAH News – Issue nr. 5 – December 2013
- IFAH News – Issue nr. 4 – October 2013
- IFAH News Special Issue - Global Animal Health Conference
- IFAH News – Issue nr. 3 – June 2013
- IFAH Annual Report 2012
- IFAH News – Issue nr. 2 – March 2013
- IFAH News - Issue nr. 1 - December 2012
- VICH leaflet: Harmonising the Global Processes for Authorising Veterinary Medicines
- Global Benchmarking Survey on the Animal Health Industry
- Foot-and-mouth disease
- IFAH Fact Sheet
- Poster: "Veterinary medicines and society, timeline of veterinary science"
- IFAH Annual Report 2011
- Veterinary medicines and Food Safety
- IFAH leaflet "Why healthy animals help ensure a healthier world"
- IFAH annual report 2010
- IFAH annual report 2009
- IFAH annual report 2008
- Promoting a positive environment for veterinary medicines
- IFAH annual report 2007
- IFAH annual report 2006
- IFAH annual report 2005
- Global Animal Health Conference Addresses Regulatory Barriers
- IFAH announces new identity as 'HealthforAnimals'
- White paper: Anthelmintic Resistance in Companion Animals
- Position paper: Antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance in agriculture
- Position paper: Global Principles and Perspectives on the Responsible Use of Medicines in Animals: [GPPRUMA]
- Position paper: The benefits of vaccines and vaccination
- White paper: The growing threat of vector-borne disease in humans and animals
- White paper: Emerging and Re-emerging Animal Diseases - Overcoming Barriers to Disease Control
- White paper: Benefits of Antibiotics
- White paper: The Costs of Animal Disease
- Position paper Use of serialisation for veterinary medicinal products
- Position paper: Risk analysis process: the scientific basis for the regulation of veterinary medicines
- Position paper: The protection of registration data for existing and new veterinary medicinal products
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health
Our Roadmap to Reducing the Need for Antibiotics
Using a Unique Worldwide Identification Principle for Animal Health Products
Kristin Peck Selected to Lead HealthforAnimals Global Animal Health Association as New President
It's time for leaders to tackle another deadly viral disease
It's time for leaders to tackle another deadly viral disease
- Op-eds
Solving Poverty and Climate Change through Animal Health
Three trends we expect to see across the animal health industry in 2021 and beyond
- Key materials
Roadmap to Reducing the Need for Antibiotics
Quick facts
Statement on United Nations Political Declaration on AMR
- Key materials
How the animal health sector became the unseen frontrunner in tackling antibiotic resistance
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Principles of Science-Based Regulation and International Trade
Quick facts
Roadmap to Reducing the Need for Antibiotics: Progress Report 2021
Quick facts
Veterinarians fear for pets’ health after one in four owners admit to missing appointments during pandemic
- Op-Eds
- Antibiotics
Recommendations for Enhanced One Health Outcomes
- Op-Eds
- Home
Board of directors
The health of humans and animals is closely related - we must make the most of this link
- Vaccines
African Swine Fever Declaration
Controlling illness in animals is essential to keeping Americans healthy
Quick facts
Three reasons why World Antimicrobial Awareness Week is more important than ever
Quick facts
Antibiotics FAQ
Antibiotics are vital to animal health and welfare. So how do we stop growing levels of drug resistance?
Quick facts
Innovation report
Animal health: the next eradication
The health of humans and animals is closely related - we must make the most of this link
Ceva Santé Animale
Animal Health & Sustainability: A Global Data Analysis
Pictograms and Standard Abbreviations
Global Trends in Animal Antibiotic Use
- Food security
Quick facts
Antibiotics are vital to animal health and welfare. So how do we stop growing levels of drug resistance?
New Innovation in Veterinary Care Presentations
Global Benchmarking Survey
HealthforAnimals Statement on COVID-19
Quick facts
- Diagnostics
How to Increase Animal Vaccination
- Predictive and Monitoring
Sustainability Actions Report
- Three ways Covid-19 has changed the veterinary profession
- Three trends we expect to see across the animal health industry in 2021 and beyond
- Three reasons why World Antimicrobial Awareness Week is more important than ever
- Three Ways we Can Reduce the Need for Antibiotics
- Survey of Pet Owners Shows Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on Veterinary Care
- UK Results Summary
- USA Results Summary
- Brazil Results Summary
- France Results Summary
- What Covid-19 has taught us about food in 2020
- Six ways we’ll reach zero by 2030
- How lockdown has improved our relationship with pets
- Global pet ownership
- Pets put a smile on our face
- Strengthening Defenses Against Zoonotic Disease Amid Covid-19
- How farmers are fighting for our food
- How Animal Protein is Helping to Feed the World
- Five things to know about COVID-19 and Animal Health
- Vets are on the COVID-19 frontlines. They need greater support to maintain supply chains
- Veterinarians are Essential to Global Health
- Lessons Learned from Past Zoonotic Disease Outbreaks
- Combating Zoonotic Disease Outbreaks
- Coronavirus outbreak proves we must pay closer attention to animal health
- Controlling vector-borne diseases without borders
- Protecting Ourselves from Vector Borne Disease
- The Animals Improving our Lives Every Day
- Three Ways Pets are More than Companions
- Three Ways Pets Improve our Lives
- Antibiotics: fact-checking the headlines
- Five ways the animal health industry is tackling AMR and responsible use
- How Vaccines Reduced the Need for Antibiotics in Salmon
- How to increase animal vaccination? Four things we learned
- Six ways to increase animal vaccination
- Can we tackle rabies with plants?
- Vaccinating Animals Saves Human Lives
- Vaccinating Dogs Stops Rabies in People
- Telemedicine: a new frontier for veterinary clinics
- Tackling telehealth for better health
- What is Telemedicine? (Infographic)
- Protecting Pet Owners from Zoonoses
- Protecting Animals, Protects People
- Safer Food Relies on Healthy Animals
- Healthy Animals Mean Safer Food
- Three Steps for Safer Food and More
- Value of Vaccination
- Interview: Hurdles to Vaccination
- Three Myths About Animal Vaccination
- Four Ways Digitalization is Changing Livestock
- Digitalization Infographic
- Interview: Future of Livestock Digitalization
- New veterinary innovations transforming pet care
- A revolution in global companion animal care?
- Technology Improving the Lives of Pets
- Three Medical Breakthroughs Thanks to Animal Health
- River blindness: saving the sight of billions with animal medicines
- Human Health Breakthroughs Powered by Animal Medicines
- Why we’re thankful for good animal health
- Our top newsletter picks from 2018
- Healthy animals at the heart of a healthy planet
- Three tools which may help us fight bacterial infections
- Rethinking antibiotic use
- How does an antibiotic treat infections in animals
- Towards a vaccine for African Swine Fever
- Five ways we’re battling the threat of Rift Valley Fever
- Five Facts about Rift Valley Fever
- The game changing work supporting rabies elimination by 2030
- Lessons learned from Latin America’s near rabies-free status
- Rabies can be Eliminated
- Five zoonotic diseases you need to know about
- Is it really possible to predict the next disease outbreak?
- Five Zoonotic Diseases Across the Globe
- Three ways livestock farming is becoming more sustainable
- Working towards a sustainable farming future
- Livestock Sustainability: 50 Years of Improving Efficiency
- How to Take Action against Illegal's Medicines
- Could You be Using Illegal Meds? Five Things You Need to Know
- The Real Cost of Illegal Medicines
- Seven Hours by Foot: Delivering Vaccines in South Sudan
- What does the future hold for vaccination?
- How Veterinarians Prevent Disease
- Women of Animal Health
- Five Ways Women are Driving the ‘Livestock Revolution’
- For Animal Health, Could the Future be Female?
- From Farm to Family: Female Livestock Keepers
- The Innovations Changing Animal Health
- Winning Big with Brucellosis
- Faces of Global Innovation
- Three Animal Health Breakthroughs
- Preparing for the Veterinary Future
- The Big Data Revolution in Animal Health
- Four Animal Health Trends for the Next Five Years
- Teamwork: The evolution of the veterinarian
- Six Stories from 2017 You Shouldn't Miss
- How Veterinarians Improve Our World
- How Pets Can Help in the Fight Against AMR
- Five Ways the Animal Health Industry is Tackling AMR
- Five Principles Guiding Antibiotic Use
- Five ways healthy livestock supports #ZeroHunger
- Could animal-sourced protein really solve the world’s hunger crisis?
- How Milk, Meat and Eggs Enrich the Body
- The View from the Frontline of Rabies Eradication
- The End of Rabies Suffering Starts with Animal Vaccination
- World Rabies Day Social Kit
- Countdown to 2030 #RabiesChat
- Stephen and Tiger: a Story of Rabies Control
- Three Zoonotic Diseases That We Can Stop
- Five immunizations that are changing the world
- Vaccination Social Media Kit
- Zoonotics, petcare and more: Interview with World Veterinary Association
- Preventing and Managing Avian Influenza
- Zoonoses Social Media Kit
- Why Does Animal Health Matter?
- Get Ready for World Zoonoses Day
- Interview with World Veterinary Association
New Frontiers in Animal Care
- Too many cross-species diseases like COVID-19 are being overlooked worldwide
- The health of humans and animals is closely related - we must make the most of this link
- Controlling illness in animals is essential to keeping Americans healthy
- We already have the blueprint to prevent the next pandemic – and it’s on our farms
Controlling illness in animals is essential to keeping Americans healthy
- Op-eds
- Op-eds
How to Increase Animal Vaccination
Three Ways we Can Reduce the Need for Antibiotics
There’s a Time and a Place for Antibiotics Even While We Address Drug Resistance
Why an effective vaccine is just the start of disease control
- Animals are Core to Pandemic Prevention – We Must Strengthen Their Defences
- Too many cross-species diseases like COVID-19 are being overlooked worldwide
- It's time for leaders to tackle another deadly viral disease
- The health of humans and animals is closely related - we must make the most of this link
- Controlling illness in animals is essential to keeping Americans healthy
- We already have the blueprint to prevent the next pandemic – and it’s on our farms
Controlling illness in animals is essential to keeping Americans healthy
Elanco Animal Health
Trends in Animal Antibiotic Use
Antibiotics FAQ
- Nutrition
Digital Revolution in Animal Health
There’s a Time and a Place for Antibiotics Even While We Address Drug Resistance
Roadmap Progress Report
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Celebrating the International Day of Veterinary Medicine
Innovation in Veterinary Care Event
World Antimicrobial Awareness Week: Seven days of One Health
COP27: Healthy animals for a healthy planet
Global Animal Health Association, HealthforAnimals, Appoints Dr. Marc Prikazsky as New President
Environment Health and Communities: Animal Health Sector Sustainability Actions Report
World Rabies Day: One Health, Zero Deaths
Animal health is core to pandemic prevention
- About
We already have the blueprint to prevent the next pandemic – and it’s on our farms
We already have the blueprint to prevent the next pandemic – and it’s on our farms
- Animal Health Products
- Parasiticides
Building a comprehensive foundation for animal health and wellness
Introducing The Latest Global Trends In Pet Care
The Animal Health Digital Revolution Gains Pace
- Importance of Animals
The Rise of Avian Influenza
2020 Global Benchmarking Survey Overview Report
The benefits of comprehensive parasite prevention
International Day of Veterinary Medicine 2021
Meeting our Commitments to Help Reduce the Need for Antibiotics
G20 Summit: A One Health approach for People, Planet and Prosperity
- Publications
- Newsletter
New Frontiers in Animal Care: The Innovations Shaping the Future
- Corporate members
- Op-Eds
Survey of Pet Owners Shows Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on Veterinary Care
- How the animal health sector became the unseen frontrunner in tackling antibiotic resistance
- Antibiotics are vital to animal health and welfare. So how do we stop growing levels of drug resistance?
- There’s a Time and a Place for Antibiotics Even While We Address Drug Resistance
- We’re facing the possibility of an antibiotic apocalypse – this is how it could be stopped
- Letter: On the farm, antibiotic resistance is working well
- How animal antibiotic resistance is a threat to all
We’re facing the possibility of an antibiotic apocalypse – this is how it could be stopped
- Op-eds
Vets urged to act after low vaccination uptake reported
Monthly Newsletter
- Sustainability
We’re facing the possibility of an antibiotic apocalypse – this is how it could be stopped
- Global State of Pet Care||Stats, Facts and Trends
Animal Health Matters
Animal health Sector Pledges $10 Billion Towards Reducing Need for Antibiotics to Tackle Resistance
Antibiotics Commitment
Animal health and Sustainability: A Global Data Analysis
- How the animal health sector became the unseen frontrunner in tackling antibiotic resistance
- Antibiotics are vital to animal health and welfare. So how do we stop growing levels of drug resistance?
- There’s a Time and a Place for Antibiotics Even While We Address Drug Resistance
- We’re facing the possibility of an antibiotic apocalypse – this is how it could be stopped
- Letter: On the farm, antibiotic resistance is working well
- How animal antibiotic resistance is a threat to all
- Other Medicines
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Antibiotics FAQ
Letter: On the farm, antibiotic resistance is working well
- Association members
UK Results Summary
Letter: On the farm, antibiotic resistance is working well
Merck Animal Health (MSD Animal Health outside the US & Canada)
Sustainability Actions Report
Food Systems Summit Briefing
- Pet Ownership
- Global Challenges
Parasite Control FAQ
Animal health and welfare at risk worldwide from low uptake of vaccination, finds new report
USA Results Summary
How animal antibiotic resistance is a threat to all
- Labeling Medicines
How animal antibiotic resistance is a threat to all
Brazil Results Summary
Phibro Animal Health Corporation
Tackling antimicrobial resistance across the animal health sector
- One Health
France Results Summary
Press releases
- Kristin Peck Selected to Lead HealthforAnimals Global Animal Health Association as New President
- Statement on United Nations Political Declaration on AMR
- Veterinarians fear for pets’ health after one in four owners admit to missing appointments during pandemic
- HealthforAnimals Statement on COVID-19
- Global Animal Health Association, HealthforAnimals, Appoints Dr. Marc Prikazsky as New President
- Animal health Sector Pledges $10 Billion Towards Reducing Need for Antibiotics to Tackle Resistance
- Animal health and welfare at risk worldwide from low uptake of vaccination, finds new report
- East African countries register first veterinary product under new Mutual Recognition Procedures
- Statement on WHO Antibiotics Guidelines
- Animal Health industry calls for greater collaboration between national governments
- What could be the next global pandemic?
- Press release: Global survey reveals common barriers to animal health around the world
- G7 Health Agenda Must Encourage Collaboration in the Fight against AMR
- Press statement – The O’Neill AMR Report: HealthforAnimals Reacts
- Launch of World Animal Vaccination Day
- Press release: The innovations feeding the world
- HealthforAnimals joins the global veterinary and medical communities in their opposition to proposed restrictions on the use of ketamine
- Press release: Are we slowly killing our pets with kindness?
- Press release: Are we living in an age of outbreaks?
- Press release: ‘As Little as Possible, as Much as Necessary’: HealthforAnimals Movie on Antibiotics and Safeguarding Animal Health and Welfare
- Press release: Injection of vaccine innovation required to protect both animal and human lives
- HealthforAnimals Promote the Responsible Use of Antibiotics
- VICH adopts its priorities for the next 5 years
- Celebrating 'Man's best friend' with interactive infographic for World Dog Day
- Codex Alimentarius Advances Food Safety Standards for Animal Health
- HealthforAnimals say now is the time to take the bite out of deadly rabies
- Global Animal Health Conference Addresses Regulatory Barriers
- Global Animal Health Industry Urges G7 Nations to Promote Cross-Cooperation between Human and Veterinary Sectors to Combat Antibiotic Resistance
- IFAH announces new identity as 'HealthforAnimals'
- IFAH Unveils One World, One Health Animation
- IFAH Commends World Veterinary Day for Raising Awareness of Vector-borne Diseases
- George Heidgerken Appointed President of IFAH
- IFAH Press Release: Launch of white paper on vector-borne disease with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- IFAH reinforces call for transparency, monitoring and education on responsible use of antibiotics
- IFAH calls for combined innovation strategies on World Rabies Day
- VICH Launches New Website and Logo
- IFAH Highlights Vital Role of Animal Health Industry in Maintaining Welfare on World Veterinary Day
- IFAH Supports World Health Organisation in Safeguarding Public Health by Fighting Vector-Borne Disease
- Carel du Marchie Sarvaas is new Executive Director of IFAH
- Animal Health Industry supports the FDA’s proposals on responsible use of antibiotics in food-producing animals
- IFAH calls for joint efforts to overcome barriers to control emerging and re-emerging diseases
- IFAH to call for innovative solutions for a sustainable food supply at Global Animal Health conference
- Video message from IFAH President
- Animal Health Industry commends the Codex Alimentarius Commission for its success over the last 50 years
- Animal Health Industry Calls on G8 Nations to Promote Responsible Use of Antibiotics
- Jeffrey N. Simmons Appointed President of IFAH
- World Veterinary Day 2013
- IFAH reveals outcome of Global Benchmarking Survey on Animal Health Industry
- IFAH white paper underlines the economic and social costs of animal diseases
- IFAH statement on World Rabies Day 2012
- Codex Alimentarius Breaks Deadlock on Veterinary Medicines
- IFAH renews call for collaboration and innovation to safeguard human and animal health
- IFAH joins FAO-led partnership measuring environmental impact of livestock
- IFAH welcomes the 1st VICH Outreach Forum
- IFAH statement on Rabies vaccination
- World Veterinary Day 2012: IFAH renews call for responsible use of antimicrobials
- A message from IFAH's President
- IFAH and FAO drive veterinary medicine standards to safeguard animals and farmers from counterfeit products
- IFAH calls for responsible use of antimicrobials ‘As little as possible, as much as necessary’
- IFAH Statement on 250 years of the veterinary profession: Where does IFAH see the future challenges for the profession?
- IFAH addresses benefits and risks of antimicrobials
- Science as the core principle for Codex Alimentarius decision-making process remains a challenge, notes IFAH
- IFAH Statement on the eradication of rinderpest
- IFAH acknowledges OIE’s announcement on the successful eradication of rinderpest
- IFAH Statement in response to the WHO’s World Health Day
- IFAH Statement in response to article on FMD outbreak in South Korea
- Juan Ramón Alaix Elected President of International Federation for Animal Health
- IFAH endorses new strategic plan and pushes animal health forward in the global debate
- Healthy animals = healthy food = healthy people
- Animal Health Experts Call for Balanced Regulation to Ensure Availability of Veterinary Medicines
- VICH4 conference
- Codex Alimentarius
- IFAH statement on the launch of Vet2011
- IFAH calls for more research and cross-border collaboration at 1st One Health Congress
Recognizing World Rabies Day
- Access to Veterinarians
East African countries register first veterinary product under new Mutual Recognition Procedures
Facing the rising threat of African Swine Fever
What Covid-19 has taught us about food in 2020
Statement on WHO Antibiotics Guidelines
The Digital Revolution in Animal Health
'Democratization of Prevention' - a Gamechanger Submission for UN Food Systems Summit
- Animal Disease
Regulatory Framework
Six ways we’ll reach zero by 2030
Making positive progress towards a sustainable future
How lockdown has improved our relationship with pets
Animal Health industry calls for greater collaboration between national governments
Virbac s.a.
Global pet ownership
What could be the next global pandemic?
Principles of Operation
Contributing to a sustainable future
Press release: Global survey reveals common barriers to animal health around the world
Animal Health, One Health, Nutrition, Livestock, Sustainability, and Growth: Briefing for Food Systems Summit
Pets put a smile on our face
Today is World Poultry Day!
Strengthening Defenses Against Zoonotic Disease Amid Covid-19
How farmers are fighting for our food
G7 Health Agenda Must Encourage Collaboration in the Fight against AMR
- Antimicrobial Resistance
How Animal Protein is Helping to Feed the World
Press statement – The O’Neill AMR Report: HealthforAnimals Reacts
Veterinary Care Experiences during Covid-19 : Survey of Pet Owners
Launch of World Animal Vaccination Day
Roadmap to Reducing the Need for Antibiotics
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: The Value of Healthier Animals
The innovations shaping the animal health industry
Celebrating World Veterinary Day
Press release: The innovations feeding the world
Letter to FAIRR
Open Letter on the Value of Agriculture
- Resources
Five things to know about COVID-19 and Animal Health
Guidelines for applications of GS1 markings to animal health products
- Vector-Borne Diseases
Vets are on the COVID-19 frontlines. They need greater support to maintain supply chains
HealthforAnimals joins the global veterinary and medical communities in their opposition to proposed restrictions on the use of ketamine
- Zoonoses
- Reports
Veterinarians are Essential to Global Health
- Data
Lessons Learned from Past Zoonotic Disease Outbreaks
Press release: Are we slowly killing our pets with kindness?
Roadmap Progress Report 2023
Combating Zoonotic Disease Outbreaks
Press release: Are we living in an age of outbreaks?
Caring for Pets During COVID-19
Coronavirus outbreak proves we must pay closer attention to animal health
Press release: ‘As Little as Possible, as Much as Necessary’: HealthforAnimals Movie on Antibiotics and Safeguarding Animal Health and Welfare
New Zealand
Controlling vector-borne diseases without borders
Press release: Injection of vaccine innovation required to protect both animal and human lives
COVID-19: How We Are Acting
Protecting Ourselves from Vector Borne Disease
HealthforAnimals Promote the Responsible Use of Antibiotics
African Swine Fever Declaration
How COVID-19 is already teaching us ways to manage future zoonoses
The Animals Improving our Lives Every Day
VICH adopts its priorities for the next 5 years
Feuille de route pour reduire le besoin d'antibiotiques
South Africa
Three Ways Pets are More than Companions
Celebrating 'Man's best friend' with interactive infographic for World Dog Day
South East Asia
Three Ways Pets Improve our Lives
Codex Alimentarius Advances Food Safety Standards for Animal Health
Hoja de ruta para reducir la necesidad de uso de los antibioticos
Antibiotics: fact-checking the headlines
HealthforAnimals say now is the time to take the bite out of deadly rabies
Five ways the animal health industry is tackling AMR and responsible use
Global Animal Health Conference Addresses Regulatory Barriers
Highlighting the impact healthy livestock can have on our society…
How Vaccines Reduced the Need for Antibiotics in Salmon
Global Animal Health Industry Urges G7 Nations to Promote Cross-Cooperation between Human and Veterinary Sectors to Combat Antibiotic Resistance
Animal Medicines and the Environment: Principles and Practices
United Kingdom
How to increase animal vaccination? Four things we learned
IFAH announces new identity as 'HealthforAnimals'
How to Increase Animal Vaccination: 80 Recommendations to Overcome Existing Barriers
Six ways to increase animal vaccination
IFAH Unveils One World, One Health Animation
Roadmap to Reducing the Need for Antibiotics
Welcoming a New Year in Animal Health
Can we tackle rabies with plants?
IFAH Commends World Veterinary Day for Raising Awareness of Vector-borne Diseases
HealthforAnimals Statement on Article 118 of the new EU Veterinary Medicines Legislation
It’s International Day of Veterinary Medicine
Vaccinating Animals Saves Human Lives
George Heidgerken Appointed President of IFAH
Response to OIE 'We Need you to Handle Antimicrobials with Care' Campaign
Vaccinating Dogs Stops Rabies in People
IFAH Press Release: Launch of white paper on vector-borne disease with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
New Report: Illegal Veterinary Medicines Impact and Effective Control
Telemedicine: a new frontier for veterinary clinics
IFAH reinforces call for transparency, monitoring and education on responsible use of antibiotics
Animal Health Sector Commitments and Actions on Antibiotic Use
Tackling telehealth for better health
IFAH calls for combined innovation strategies on World Rabies Day
A One Health Approach to Antibacterial Efficacy in Animal Health
Administration of drugs to animals – necessity of group treatments
Celebrating World Antimicrobial Awareness Week
What is Telemedicine? (Infographic)
VICH Launches New Website and Logo
Macrolides in the context of critically important antimicrobials
The use of 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones in Food-Producing Animals
Protecting Pet Owners from Zoonoses
IFAH Highlights Vital Role of Animal Health Industry in Maintaining Welfare on World Veterinary Day
Story of Animal Health
Protecting Animals, Protects People
IFAH Supports World Health Organisation in Safeguarding Public Health by Fighting Vector-Borne Disease
NEW RESEARCH | Covid-19 impacts on pet health and veterinary care
Safer Food Relies on Healthy Animals
Carel du Marchie Sarvaas is new Executive Director of IFAH
Vaccination Myths
Healthy Animals Mean Safer Food
Animal Health Industry supports the FDA’s proposals on responsible use of antibiotics in food-producing animals
HealthforAnimals News - issue nr. 6 - September 2016
Three Steps for Safer Food and More
IFAH calls for joint efforts to overcome barriers to control emerging and re-emerging diseases
Global Vision for Regulation of Veterinary Medicines
Value of Vaccination
IFAH to call for innovative solutions for a sustainable food supply at Global Animal Health conference
HealthforAnimals News - issue nr. 5 - July 2016
Recognizing animal health’s contribution to global food security
Interview: Hurdles to Vaccination
Video message from IFAH President
Global Benchmarking Survey 2015 Report
Three Myths About Animal Vaccination
Animal Health Industry commends the Codex Alimentarius Commission for its success over the last 50 years
Essentials of veterinary pharmacovigilance
Four Ways Digitalization is Changing Livestock
Animal Health Industry Calls on G8 Nations to Promote Responsible Use of Antibiotics
What the veterinary world does to fight antimicrobial resistance
Digitalization Infographic
Jeffrey N. Simmons Appointed President of IFAH
HealthforAnimals News - issue nr. 4 - March 2016
We have a decade to eradicate human rabies
Interview: Future of Livestock Digitalization
World Veterinary Day 2013
Report: Innovation in animal health
New veterinary innovations transforming pet care
IFAH reveals outcome of Global Benchmarking Survey on Animal Health Industry
HealthforAnimals News - issue nr. 3 – December 2015
How pets have shown they really are man’s best friend
A revolution in global companion animal care?
IFAH white paper underlines the economic and social costs of animal diseases
Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance in veterinary science
Recognizing World Zoonoses Day amid a global pandemic
Technology Improving the Lives of Pets
IFAH statement on World Rabies Day 2012
HealthforAnimals News - issue nr. 2 - October 2015
Farmers are fighting for our food
Three Medical Breakthroughs Thanks to Animal Health
Codex Alimentarius Breaks Deadlock on Veterinary Medicines
HealthforAnimals News - Issue nr. 1 - July 2015
How are we responding to the COVID-19 pandemic?
River blindness: saving the sight of billions with animal medicines
IFAH renews call for collaboration and innovation to safeguard human and animal health
IFAH News - Issue nr. 9 - April 2015
Did you know 6 out of 10 infectious diseases are zoonotic?
Human Health Breakthroughs Powered by Animal Medicines
IFAH joins FAO-led partnership measuring environmental impact of livestock
Overview of activities in 2014
Your bite-sized guide to vector-borne diseases
Why we’re thankful for good animal health
IFAH welcomes the 1st VICH Outreach Forum
IFAH News - Issue nr. 8 - November 2014
The pets bringing health and hope this season
Our top newsletter picks from 2018
IFAH statement on Rabies vaccination
IFAH News – Issue nr. 7 – June 2014
Healthy animals at the heart of a healthy planet
World Veterinary Day 2012: IFAH renews call for responsible use of antimicrobials
IFAH Annual Report 2013
IFAH News – Issue nr. 6 – March 2014
Three tools which may help us fight bacterial infections
A message from IFAH's President
IFAH News – Issue nr. 5 – December 2013
Rethinking antibiotic use
IFAH and FAO drive veterinary medicine standards to safeguard animals and farmers from counterfeit products
IFAH News – Issue nr. 4 – October 2013
How does an antibiotic treat infections in animals
IFAH calls for responsible use of antimicrobials ‘As little as possible, as much as necessary’
IFAH News Special Issue - Global Animal Health Conference
Towards a vaccine for African Swine Fever
IFAH Statement on 250 years of the veterinary profession: Where does IFAH see the future challenges for the profession?
IFAH News – Issue nr. 3 – June 2013
Five ways we’re battling the threat of Rift Valley Fever
IFAH addresses benefits and risks of antimicrobials
IFAH Annual Report 2012
Five Facts about Rift Valley Fever
Science as the core principle for Codex Alimentarius decision-making process remains a challenge, notes IFAH
IFAH News – Issue nr. 2 – March 2013
The game changing work supporting rabies elimination by 2030
IFAH Statement on the eradication of rinderpest
IFAH News - Issue nr. 1 - December 2012
Lessons learned from Latin America’s near rabies-free status
IFAH acknowledges OIE’s announcement on the successful eradication of rinderpest
VICH leaflet: Harmonising the Global Processes for Authorising Veterinary Medicines
Rabies can be Eliminated
IFAH Statement in response to the WHO’s World Health Day
Global Benchmarking Survey on the Animal Health Industry
Five zoonotic diseases you need to know about
IFAH Statement in response to article on FMD outbreak in South Korea
Foot-and-mouth disease
Is it really possible to predict the next disease outbreak?
Juan Ramón Alaix Elected President of International Federation for Animal Health
IFAH Fact Sheet
Five Zoonotic Diseases Across the Globe
IFAH endorses new strategic plan and pushes animal health forward in the global debate
Poster: "Veterinary medicines and society, timeline of veterinary science"
Three ways livestock farming is becoming more sustainable
Healthy animals = healthy food = healthy people
IFAH Annual Report 2011
Working towards a sustainable farming future
Animal Health Experts Call for Balanced Regulation to Ensure Availability of Veterinary Medicines
Veterinary medicines and Food Safety
Livestock Sustainability: 50 Years of Improving Efficiency
VICH4 conference
IFAH leaflet "Why healthy animals help ensure a healthier world"
How to Take Action against Illegal's Medicines
Codex Alimentarius
IFAH annual report 2010
Could You be Using Illegal Meds? Five Things You Need to Know
IFAH statement on the launch of Vet2011
IFAH annual report 2009
The Real Cost of Illegal Medicines
IFAH calls for more research and cross-border collaboration at 1st One Health Congress
IFAH annual report 2008
Seven Hours by Foot: Delivering Vaccines in South Sudan
Promoting a positive environment for veterinary medicines
What does the future hold for vaccination?
IFAH annual report 2007
How Veterinarians Prevent Disease
IFAH annual report 2006
Women of Animal Health
IFAH annual report 2005
Five Ways Women are Driving the ‘Livestock Revolution’
For Animal Health, Could the Future be Female?
Global Animal Health Conference Addresses Regulatory Barriers
From Farm to Family: Female Livestock Keepers
IFAH announces new identity as 'HealthforAnimals'
The Innovations Changing Animal Health
White paper: Anthelmintic Resistance in Companion Animals
Winning Big with Brucellosis
Position paper: Antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance in agriculture
Faces of Global Innovation
Position paper: Global Principles and Perspectives on the Responsible Use of Medicines in Animals: [GPPRUMA]
Three Animal Health Breakthroughs
Position paper: The benefits of vaccines and vaccination
Preparing for the Veterinary Future
White paper: The growing threat of vector-borne disease in humans and animals
The Big Data Revolution in Animal Health
White paper: Emerging and Re-emerging Animal Diseases - Overcoming Barriers to Disease Control
Four Animal Health Trends for the Next Five Years
White paper: Benefits of Antibiotics
Teamwork: The evolution of the veterinarian
White paper: The Costs of Animal Disease
Six Stories from 2017 You Shouldn't Miss
Position paper Use of serialisation for veterinary medicinal products
How Veterinarians Improve Our World
Position paper: Risk analysis process: the scientific basis for the regulation of veterinary medicines
How Pets Can Help in the Fight Against AMR
Position paper: The protection of registration data for existing and new veterinary medicinal products
Five Ways the Animal Health Industry is Tackling AMR
Five Principles Guiding Antibiotic Use
Five ways healthy livestock supports #ZeroHunger
Could animal-sourced protein really solve the world’s hunger crisis?
How Milk, Meat and Eggs Enrich the Body
The View from the Frontline of Rabies Eradication
The End of Rabies Suffering Starts with Animal Vaccination
World Rabies Day Social Kit
Countdown to 2030 #RabiesChat
Stephen and Tiger: a Story of Rabies Control
Roadmap to Reducing the Need for Antibiotics
Three Zoonotic Diseases That We Can Stop
Animal Health Matters
Five immunizations that are changing the world
The Story of Animal Health
Vaccination Social Media Kit
Zoonotics, petcare and more: Interview with World Veterinary Association
Preventing and Managing Avian Influenza
Zoonoses Social Media Kit
Why Does Animal Health Matter?
Get Ready for World Zoonoses Day
Interview with World Veterinary Association
- Pages