Resources Publications


HealthforAnimals News - issue nr. 3 – December 2015


The latest news from the global animal medicines association, HealthforAnimals. HealthforAnimals publishes position on responsible use of medicines in animals


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IFAH announces new identity as 'HealthforAnimals'


Brussels, 1st June 2015 – The International Federation for Animal Health (IFAH), the global organisation representing the manufacturers of veterinary medicines, has today announced its new name and visual identity. The not-for-profit organisation will now be known as HealthforAnimals. The name change better reflects the organisation’s vision to communicate the important contribution the animal health sector brings to society, and broadens its influence and impact as the global voice of veterinary medicine. To lead this vision, George...

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IFAH News - Issue nr. 9 - April 2015


In the ninth edition of IFAH News you can read the latest updates and activities from IFAH and the animal health industry around the globe:


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Overview of activities in 2014


This report provides an overview of activities for the animal health industry in 2014.

By region it includes a summary of member associations’ achievements around the world:

  • Europe
  • North America
  • South America
  • Asia and Africa
  • Australia and New Zealand
  • Global


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IFAH News - Issue nr. 8 - November 2014


In Issue 8 (November) of IFAH News, find out the latest information and updates from the federation:


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White paper: The growing threat of vector-borne disease in humans and animals


This white paper by Oxford Analytica was commissioned by IFAH with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

It collates the opinions of a wide range of key opinion leaders with varied and relevant expertise, presenting a snapshot of the situation today, complete with the key challenges faced and what is therefore required to develop effective solutions in tackling vector-borne diseases globally.


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IFAH News – Issue nr. 7 – June 2014


In the seventh edition of IFAH News you can read the latest updates and activities from IFAH and the animal health industry around the globe :


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IFAH Annual Report 2013


Overcoming barriers to animal disease prevention and control, a critical step towards One Health The IFAH 2013 annual report is now available. Entitled ‘Overcoming barriers to animal disease prevention and control, a critical step towards One Health’, the report outlines the animal health industry’s contribution to economic growth, food security, sustainability and public health. With an opening message from the IFAH President and the Acting Executive Director, the report includes a feature article on overcoming barriers to animal...


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IFAH News – Issue nr. 6 – March 2014


In the fifth edition of IFAH News we introduce our new Executive Director and provide the latest updates and activities from IFAH and the animal health industry around the globe:


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IFAH News – Issue nr. 5 – December 2013


In the fifth edition of IFAH News you can read the latest updates and activities from IFAH and the animal health industry around the globe :

  • Global Animal Health Conference delivers recommendations
  • IFAH publishes white paper on emerging and re-emerging diseases
  • IFAH at IGSP Conference
  • VICH announces public conference in October 2015
  • Season’s Greetings from IFAH


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