Resources: Publications
Global Benchmarking Survey on the Animal Health Industry
The Global Benchmarking Survey examines the interactions between industry and regulatory systems, particularly the impact of regulations on the animal health industry’s ability to be competitive and innovative. The outcome of this survey provides an invaluable wealth of information to support informed policy decisions in the continual search for best regulatory practice and opportunities for improvement.
For more detailed information on the regional reports, please contact the relevant industry association or see their websites:
White paper: The Costs of Animal Disease
Global analysis and advisory firm Oxford Analytica, supported by a group of independent experts in animal health, were commissioned by IFAH to compare international social and economic impacts of three well-documented animal health diseases: FMD, salmonella and rabies.
This white paper is intended to serve as a launch point for wider collaborative discussions with international stakeholders on what future efforts would be required to establish effective disease control and preventative activities based on their technical merits, but also to...
Position paper Use of serialisation for veterinary medicinal products
IssueThe Animal Health Industry is not in favour of the serialisation of veterinary medicinal products.
BackgroundIn several countries regulators tend to request a serialisation* of veterinary medicinal products because of identical requirements implemented in the human pharmaceutical sector. It would however be a disproportionate measure for the animal health sector, using an unaffordable approach to tackle close to non-existent problems in the animal health sector.
PositionThe Animal Health Industry stands aligned that the two-dimensional...
Position paper: Risk analysis process: the scientific basis for the regulation of veterinary medicines
IssueIn the interests of public health, animal health and animal welfare veterinary medicines are regulated to ensure that only safe (for animals, users, consumers and the environment) and effective products of appropriate quality are placed on the market. This process must be achieved in a proportionate and balanced way to allow society to gain the benefits that these products bring.
BackgroundAnimal health products are essential for animal welfare and make valuable contributions to society by protecting and preserving the health of animals...
Position paper: The protection of registration data for existing and new veterinary medicinal products
IFAH, the International Federation for Animal Health, supports legislation which provides effective and adequate protection of regulatory data submitted for the market approval of new and existing veterinary medicinal products (i.e. veterinary pharmaceuticals, vaccines and other animal health products) against unfair commercialisation.
IntroductionThe development and bringing to market of a new veterinary medicinal product requires the originator to conduct extensive chemical, pharmacological, toxicological and clinical research and testing,...
Foot-and-mouth disease
This educational handbook on foot-and-mouth disease is available in both French and English and can be ordered from CIRAD - IFAH holds a limited stock of English copies which can be requested from the Communications Department - This intiative is supported by:
Read moreIFAH Fact Sheet
Full 2012 Fact Sheet “About IFAH” including:
- Corporate Members
- Association Members
- Key Figures: Animal Health Market and World Animal Population
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Poster: "Veterinary medicines and society, timeline of veterinary science"
Veterinary Science was “born” in 1761 with the opening of the first veterinary school in Lyon, France. This A4 poster gives an overview of the numerous breakthroughs that marked the history of animal health ever since. It also features a section on “How society benefits from veterinary medicines”.
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IFAH Annual Report 2011
The IFAH 2011 annual report is now available. Entitled “Healthy animals, healthier world”, the report features articles on the role of the veterinary profession in society and its 250th anniversary, and why science-based regulation is vital for the future of a science-driven industry, as well as a success story on the eradication of rinderpest and the role of animal health products in disease eradication efforts.
The report also outlines the achievements of IFAH and its members across the world and includes guest statements from...
Veterinary medicines and Food Safety
To better understand the links between animal health and food safety, what is an ADI and how an MRL is established, read the IFAH brochure “Veterinary medicines and Food Safety”.
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