Animal Health Products: Labeling Medicines
Labeling Medicines
GS1 Markings on Animal Health Products

A unique identification for animal health products provides the opportunity to differentiate throughout the supply chain and is a pre-requisite for the traceability of Animal Health products from production to application. It increases products security and give logistic advantages in the warehouses.HealthforAnimals has agreed on a unique worldwide identification guideline for Animal Health products. This guideline has been developed as a requirement, so that, when and where product identification is required, there is consistency in the use of a data structure worldwide.
Pictograms and Standard Abbreviations

Pictograms and standard abbreviations are often used on packaging and labelling of veterinary medicines for a number of important reasons:
- Reduce the wording that needs translation;
- Facilitate the use of multi-lingual packaging;
- Facilitate the improved availability of veterinary medicinal products in small markets;
- Improve legibility and immediate comprehension by the end-user.
Download images, best practices, and other materials for using pictograms and standard abbreviations on veterinary medicines.